About Us

Our goal at Koshin CrossFit is to help you discover the secrets to making your everyday lifestyle easier.

Koshin CrossFit


Our facility is located at 2 Sunfield Place, Durban North. Our CrossFit box features a climbing rope, 5 squat racks, a rig, 22 barbells, assault bikes, concept 2 rowers. You’ll love training in our facility but you’ll also love our comfortable lounge area, dedicated mobility zone, modern toilets and changerooms and showers to freshen up post workout. We’d love to see you at one of our classes. Pop in and see us before any class for a quick tour.

Here To Help You Succeed


Ryan “Strech” Brennan

Having Retired from a 10 Year International Competitive and semi professional career in Surf Lifesaving and then as National Coach (Yes it’s a real thing and an actual sport)…

Strech came to find ou about CrosSfit as many of us did, via Tv and the Internet, always looking for fun and innovative ways to ramp up his own training as an athlete he was quick to understand the multifaceted aspects to Crossfit as it related to his sporting endeavours and lifestyle in general.

Now in his 5th year of being a Crossfit Trainer he shows the same excitement and childlike joy in his everyday life as he does when a member does something for the first time.

Unofficially the worlds largest man-child Strech will bring a smile to your face No matter what.

Crossfit Lvl 1 Trainer
CrossFit Lvl 2 Trainer
Crossfit Kids
CrossFit Footbal (Field Sports)
Crossfit Aerobic Capactiy
Crossfit Gymnastics
ISSA Certified Persoanl Trainer

Natalie Meaker

The literal life of the box, Nats’s coaching expertise and insights put her in a league of her own…

An accomplished sportswomen herself having earned her National colors in Waterpolo and having made various SA squads for Softball, Nats knows what it takes to put in hours and hours of hard work in order to achieve her goals.

Make no mistake about it, Nats weill be in your corner shouting your name and doing all that she can to motivate you to get up off the floor and finish what you started.

Loved and Feared by all, for her humour is matched perfectly with her sternness when coaching classes. Tust us, when Nats is on the floor you definitely in for a great session and a possible Dance Off, so long as you don’t drop an empty Barbell.

CrossFit Lvl 1 Trainer
CrossFit Lvl 2 Trainer
CrossFit Kids
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Come And Find Us


Located At DHS Old Boys Sports Grounds, 20 GainsBorough Drive in Durban North. Our box is a stones throw away from the Umgeni River as well as all major Highways making ease of travel to and from the box, to anywhere in Durban, a breeze. With so many Schools near to our facility, it makes it an easy convienence for those parents finished with the school runs to avoid traffic and get their session in for the moring.

For those in a traditional 9-5 Day Job, the box is always on your way home from somewhere which allows for you to clear your head after a long day at work.

No matter the problem the solution is a good workout sprinkled with sweat, friends and of course Coffee, all of which you’ll find in abundance at our box.